About Us


 Upliftment of the standard of education
 To empower women and reduce other women issues
 Save daughters educate daughters
 Food, shelter, clothes and healthcare for needy people

Vision - [To make our society educated, to reduce unemployment, to make hunger free society, to make women and youths self-depended, aware people about don’t do discrimination among boys & girls, campaign against child labor, child marriage, female feticide, domestic violence and dowry system.

ICVRDO strives to make a positive impact in society through charity and volunteer work. We believe in contributing to the community and ensuring affordable health care and education is available to all.


‘ISWAR CHANDRA VIDYASAGAR RURAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION’ is a non – government organization working for no profit objectives, registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882 vide registration number of the trust is – 130100558 dated 07th Dec., 2015. Our major focus is the promotion of education among weaker section of the society, Food, home, clothes and health care for the needy people. We have been trying hard to uplift the poor masses in our working rural area in all respect.


To provide scholarship and educational assistance to poor, needy and deserving students. 
 To establish institutions specially to support the cause of women’s education and empowerment. 
 To building a house in which we can keep those people who neither have a house to sleep nor to build a house for them to avoid the rain or thunderstorms will give them living space and give them all the facilities .
 To raise and promote social, cultural, educational, humanitarian standards and help in ameliorate the conditions of down trodden minorities and backward classes, also to help the destitute poor and needy .
 To build a health center where free medical and surgical assistance can be provided to the needy people so that the lives of the people can be saved .
 Serving free food to as many needy people as possible so that they never sleep hungry.